Deep-water Squat Lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from India Collected by the FORV Sagar Sampada

Deep-water Squat Lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from India Collected by the FORV Sagar Sampada
(Bulletin of National Museum of Nature and Science- Nov 2020)

Deep-water squat lobsters collected during five cruises of the Fishery Oceanographic Research Vessel Sagar Sampada off the Andaman and Nicobar Archipelagos (299-812 m deep) and three cruises in the southeastern Arabian Sea (610-957 m deep) are identified. They are referred to each one species of the families Chirostylidae and Sternostylidae in the Superfamily Chirostyloidea, and five species of the family Munidopsidae and three species of the family Muni-didae in the Superfamily Galatheoidea. Of altogether 10 species of 5 genera dealt herein, the Uro-ptychus species of the Chirostylidae is described as new to science, and Agononida aff. indocerta Poore and Andreakis, 2012, of the Munididae, previously reported from Western Australia and Papua New Guinea, is newly recorded from Indian waters. The new species named Uroptychus sampadae is closely related to U. indicus Alcock, 1901, but differentiated from the latter species in the characters that 1) the antennal scale is relatively long, distinctly overreaching the distal end of cornea and terminating slightly short of the antennal article 5, 2) the posterior plate of telson is much longer than the anterior plate, and 3) the ultimate spine of the P2 dactylus flexor margin is slightly larger than the penultimate spine and very slightly larger than the antepenultimate spine.