Taxonomic note on Halieutaea indica Annandale and Jenkins, 1910 (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) from Indian waters.

Taxonomic note on Halieutaea indica Annandale and Jenkins, 1910 (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) from Indian waters.
(Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India- Jul 2020)

The present paper discusses the new occurrence report and taxonomic note of a deep-sea anglerfish Halieutaea indica Annandale and Jenkins, 1910 collected by Fishery Oceanographic Research Vessel Sagar Sampada from the Southeastern Arabian Sea at a depth ranging from 200-300 m. This species was originally described by Annandale and Jenkins in 1910 from Bay of Bengal at a depth of 180 m. Along with a short description, key diagnostic characters distinguishing H. indica from its congeners with previous distributional records from the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone are also discussed.