NameDr. Kusum Komal
DesignationScientist D
Phone Number0484-2944012
Education Details
- Ph.D. in Marine Science
Area Of Specialization
Food Web Dynamics, Zooplankton, IchthyoplanktonResearch interests
Marine EcologyCareer details/position
- Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology Cochin: Kochi, Kerala, India 11-12-2017 to present
- CSIR National Institute of Oceanography: Kochi, Kerala, India 03-04-2006 to 31-10-2017 | (Biological Oceanography)
- Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, Plymouth, England. Associate Researcher (Bursary Scheme) for the year 2012
Research Projects
- Marine Ecosystem Dynamics of Eastern Arabian Sea (MEDAS).
Awards Recognization
- CSIR-Senior Research Fellow (2009)
- CSIR-Research Associate (2014)
- Best Paper Presentation award in the International Symposium ‘SAFARI 2’ (2018)
Other Information
- Member, The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
- Life Member, Ocean Society of India (OSI)